* smoke.sl
* Description:
* This is a volume shader for smoke. Opacity and Color can be output with 'output varying color Ov' 'output varying color Cv'
* Parameters:
* density - overall smoke density control
* integstart, integend - bounds along the viewing ray direction of the
* integration of atmospheric effects.
* stepsize - step size for integration. Note that the overall speed
* of this shader is inversely proportional to the stepsize.
* use_noise - makes the smoke noisy (nonuniform) when nonzero
* freq, octaves, smokevary - control the fBm of the noisy smoke
* lightscale - multiplier for light scattered toward viewer in volume
* debug - if nonzero, copious output will be sent to stderr.

#define snoise(p) (2*noise(p)-1)

smoke (float density = 60;
float integstart = 0, integend = 1000;
float stepsize = 0.1;
float debug = 0;
float use_noise = 1;
color scatter = 1; /* for sky, try (1, 2.25, 21) */
float octaves = 3, freq = 1, smokevary = 1;
float lightscale = 15;
output varying color Ov;
output varying color Cv;

point Worigin = P - I;
vector incident = vtransform ("shader", I);
point origin = transform ("shader", Worigin);
vector IN, WIN;
float tau;
color Cv = 0, Ov = 0; /* net color & opacity of volume */
color dC, dO; /* differential color & opacity */
float ss, dtau, last_dtau;
color li, last_li, lighttau;
color scat;
point PP, PW, Psmoke;
float smoke, f, i;

float end = min (length (incident), integend) - 0.0001;

/* Integrate forwards from the start point */
float d = integstart + random()*stepsize;
if (d < end) {
IN = normalize (incident);
WIN = vtransform ("shader", "current", IN);
dtau = 0;
li = 0;
ss = min (stepsize, end-d);
d += ss;

while (d <= end) {
PP = origin + d*IN;
PW = Worigin + d*WIN;
last_dtau = dtau;
last_li = li;

li = 0;
illuminance (PW, vector(0,0,1), PI) { li += Cl; }
if (use_noise != 0) {
Psmoke = PP*freq;
smoke = snoise (Psmoke);
/* Optimize: one octave only if not lit */
if (comp(li,0)+comp(li,1)+comp(li,2) > 0.01) {
f = 1;
for (i=1; i < octaves; i+=1) {
f *= 0.5; Psmoke *= 2;
smoke += f*snoise(Psmoke);
dtau = density * smoothstep(-1,1,smokevary*smoke);
} else dtau = density;

/* Our goal now is to find dC and dO, the color and opacity
* of the portion of the volume covered by this step.
tau = .5 * ss * (dtau + last_dtau);
lighttau = .5 * ss * (li*dtau + last_li*last_dtau);

scat = -tau * scatter;
dO = 1 - color (exp(comp(scat,0)), exp(comp(scat,1)), exp(comp(scat,2)));
dC = lighttau * dO;

/* Now we adjust Cv/Ov to account for dC and dO */
Cv += (1-Ov)*dC;
Ov += (1-Ov)*dO;

ss = max (min (ss, end-d), 0.005);
d += ss;

Ci = lightscale*Cv + (1-Ov)*Ci;
Oi = Ov + (1-Ov)*Oi;